Our Values


Our values are what shape us and guide us and help with our quality of overall provision. Our values have been sculpted, nurtured and developed with senior leads within trans plant and with our external governess team. Below is our mission statement to you, the employer and to you, the apprentice. Further to that we have added some of our teaching concepts to give you a flavour of our delivery.


Our Mission Statement

‘To inspire and support our learners to realise their potential through the achievement

and personal development goals and add positive value to our industry partners’.

All apprenticeships and apprenticeship providers have different approaches to learning, below are some of our teaching concepts you will experience during our apprenticeships:


National Apprenticeship Week 2023 – One of our valued employers celebrating our apprenticeship programme and our METAL, PEDAL and WRAP concepts (pictured left to right – Brad Goldsworthy – Curriculum Lead at TPMT – Simon Ellis – Manager of Eagle Plant and Harry Bass – Skills Officer at TPMT.

METAL – Math, English teaching and learning


English and Maths skills are fundamental within the workplace, sometimes hidden within tasks without truly realising. The title is designed to be memorable for the learners journey as an apprentice.

Within apprenticeships it is fundamental that every learner progresses on their own path within English and Maths. The learning has been made fully contextualised to the relevant industry that they work in, and designed to be as ‘hands on’ as possible to facilitate tactile learners and develop behavioural skills.


It is face to face learning and we have incorporated a mix of materials to make the session as engaging, educational and enjoyable as possible. For example in the photo above, apprentices are putting driving hours knowledge into practice through our driver hour bespoke game.


The learner will learn and grasp key concepts which will aid their understanding of contextualised English and Maths within their occupational industry.


PEDAL – Practical Education Driving and Learning



PEDAL is where the practical aspects are pieced together after the LGV induction day and the ‘L’ Plate teaching, the lessons are delivered on a 2-1 basis.

This allows the learner driver to both practice and shadow another apprentice. Learners will be given a variety of routes to develop a multitude of skills.

The complexity of routes will develop at the learners rate, yet ensuring that they meet the expectations required of test standard and beyond.

This training takes place at our site, it is the biggest and the most suited to practical training in the South West!

WRAP – ‘Overcome, adapt and succeed’

The concept is to develop everyone’s understanding of working within a new environment/sector, being an upstanding citizen and developing a large variety of knowledge/behaviours required for any role. These topics will be introduced as OneFile video courses followed by delivery integration within the apprenticeship scheme.

The topics will include:

  • Citizenship
  • Health and Safety and wellbeing
  • Prevent/Radicalisation
  • LGBTQ+
  • Sexual Harassment
  • British Values
  • Sustainable development
  • and much more

WRAP+ (16- 18 year olds)

WRAP+ incorporates all the WRAP around support described as above, however we also look more in-depth at extra skills to get the apprentice integrated as well as possible within the workplace. This is not a set list, it is designed to be bespoke and individualised.

For example, how we have helped others:

  • Additional Communication building and confidence skills
  • CV development
  • Additional financial guidance
  • Additional training to support their development. i.e. Forklift training to develop confidence and self belief